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Open Educational Resources: Home

Open Educational Resources are becoming a popular at colleges to not only help cut textbook costs for their students, but also allow instructors to customize the courses they teach.  Please see the list below to help you discover some of the OER's available.

OER Databases

Open Educational Resources


Open Stax - Free textbooks and resources. Resources include LMS integration, powerpoints, and test banks.

Open Textbook Library 

OER Commons 

B.C. Open Collection by BCcampus - curated by British Columbia universities


Open Textbooks SUNY 

Textbook Equity Open Education 


EdTech Books

panOpen Education

Teaching Commons - open educational resources from leading colleges and universities

Milne Open Textbooks - catalog of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff


Project Gutenberg  

Open Content Alliance 

Hathi Trust Digital Library 

Directory of Open Access Books 

Internet Archive

Pressbooks Directory

Open Access Journal Repositories

Directory of Open Access Repositories

Approved Open Access Journals

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Helpful Sites

Marketing Technology and Online Learning Director