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B.E.E. - An Introduction to Research: Evidence - Library Research

B.E.E. is an information literacy model created to help students conduct academic research.

Library Research

Now that you have reviewed what is available online AND you have your key terms, you are ready to dive deeper into your research topic. The internet is a great place to go for general background information of a topic, but the library is where you want to go if you need more. The library has a lot of resources available to you including books, databases, and ebooks.

Peer Reviewed Research

Most of your professors will require you to use peer reviewed research for your assignments.  Peer reviewed means that other experts in the field have reviewed the research prior to publication.  

Library Collection

To search the library catalog, click here.

Some helpful tips:

  • If you're looking for an item in our collection, make sure you check the "Bethany College Wallerstedt Library" box on the left side menu.
  • The catalog also searches our databases, so if you are looking for a physical book from our collection, check the "Print Book" box on the left side menu.

Just because a book is in the library collection does not automatically mean it is a good source for your project. Practice lateral reading with your source.

  • Google your source - what is being said?
  • When was it published?
  • Who is the publisher?
  • Who is the author and what are their credentials?
  • Is there a bibliography? If so, what are the listed sources like?

Library Databases

Databases are highly important to find peer-reviewed scholarly research. 

Academic Search Premier is a general database that covers a variety of subject areas. This database is a great place to start, then as you progress to upper level courses, you may move on to more specialized databases.

There are 50+ databases available in EBSCOhost. Some of the other specialized databases are:

Database Search Tips

  • Key Terms are important before you begin your database searching. What is the terminology connected to your topic?
  • Boolean logic happens when you connect two key terms with the words "and", "or", or "not".
  • When you find an article that works for your topic, review the subject terms used by the database. Can you use any of those terms to refine your search?
  • Abstracts are a summary of the article. Always read the summary to gauge whether, or not the article is applicable to your research.
  • Use the left side navigation to help narrow down your search results (click "peer reviewed", narrow the date, etc.).
  • If you need to email an article to yourself, use your Bethany email.

eBook Central

eBook Central (formerly known as eBrary) is our eBook collection.

  • To use the resources in eBook Central, make sure you set up an account. You may have to wait until your request is approved to make an account.
  • You can check out books through eBook Central, but if you just need a chapter, you can always download, or print the chapter. There are limits to the number of pages you can print and download.
  • To download a book, you have to choose what type of device you will be using to read the eBook (ex. laptop, phone, etc.). You also have to download Adobe Digital Editions if you're using a laptop. You have the option of checking out the book for 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days.

Interlibrary Loan

Need a resource we don't have?

Through interlibrary loan, the librarians have the ability to request materials from other libraries.  

Please submit an interlibrary loan request by using the Interlibrary Loan Form,

or send an e-mail with the resource citation information to